At New Life Assembly we believe in supporting ministries that are reaching the world with the message of the gospel. At present we are supporting missionaries in 5 countries around the world.


Ministry Location: Latin America & the Caribbean

Ministry Focus: Bonita is continuing to work primarily in the area of theological educations throughout Cuba, not simply to teach students but to educate new professors so that they can continue to give the gift of a deeper knowledge of God's Word to the pastors of Cuba.

She is also continuing the humanitarian work that she and her late husband Alberto have been involved in for many years, and in fact, the reach of this work is growing. However, these projects must remain discreet, and fuller information can be obtained by contacting her directly.

Ministry History: Bonita first went to Cuba on a short-term missions trip in 2001 and while there, God clearly called her to return and minister in that island nation. Full-time ministry in Cuba had been restricted for many years, and remains restricted to this day, but God miraculously opened the doors for Bonita to minister in Cuba in this way. Several years later, God brought Alberto into her life and they ministered together from one end of the island to the other for the next 15 years. Sadly Alberto passed away due to complications of coronavirus in March of 2021. Bonita fell into a coma and was airlifted to Canada due to the same. After almost 2 months in coma, God restored Bonita and she returned to Cuba to serve.

Prayer Requests:

  • Wisdom, favour and protection as Bonita continues this journey without the aid of her husband.
  • Strength and provision for the work.


Ministry Location: Guinea, Africa

Ministry Focus: Making disciples--this is what Phil and Judy are about. PAOC's "Alleluia" churches are young, vibrant and eager for support and training to reach this Muslim dominated country. "Dr. Phil" is the ​theological ​educational consultant for Guinea, Liberia and Senegal, and in this role he teaches courses and trains leaders for the churches of West Africa. Additionally, he is the director of Global University (formerly ICI) for these countries. Judy is the facilitator of discipleship and evangelistic strategies with a vision for multiplicative church planting in Guinea and beyond. She also oversees the ChildCARE Plus Program for Guinea. Together they are working to strengthen and develop the 17 Alleluia Christian schools in Guinea.  

Prayer Requests: 

  • Labourers to go into unreached people groups in Guinea.
  • Building of new and old partner connections during a summer-fall 2022 visit in Canada.


Ministry Location: Cat Lake First Nation

Ministry Focus: Jonathan and Katie Larsh serve in Cat Lake: a remote (fly-in-only) First Nation reserve about 180km north of Sioux Lookout, a community of about 500 people. They moved there in 2011 to start up an A.C.E. Christian school at the request of the Band Council. Since then the school has grown to over 30 students, in grades K-8 so far, but with potential for High School grades as well. In addition to being principal/teacher/administrator of the school, in 2013 they also started leading services in the small local church, which was not running at the time. Since then, Jonathan has gotten credentials through the PAOC as a pastor under the APM (Aboriginal Pentecostal Ministries), and they continue to lead services and do other ministry through the church. Jonathan and Katie also have 5 children (Joshua, Hosanna, Elijah, Caleb and Matthias), 4 of whom are now in the Christian school. One of the biggest forms of ministry for the whole family is being a living example of a God-centered life; in marriage, family, parenting, work, and daily life.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the school staff: that they will remain consistent and dedicated and continue to grow in their roles and enjoy their work.
  • For the school as a whole and everyone connected with it (staff, students, parents…); That they would see God and come to know Him.
  • For our home life; that we get the rest we need, balance our responsibilities, and be able to parent all of our kids well, and no one would get lost in the shuffle.
  • Continued attendance and growth in our church.


Missions Canada Urban Worker

Ministry Location: Toronto, ON

Ministry Focus: Urban Ministry

As an Mission Canada urban worker in downtown Toronto, Ejay ministers to those in the urban core who find themselves in cyclical poverty. He has been a consistent presence on the streets of Toronto for over 11 years. One of the Scripture passages that guides his life and ministry is:

“To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.”

1 Corinthians 9:22-23 (NIV).

Ejay believes that marginalized people cannot be saved through programs. Loving people with deep compassion is a precious calling. This is why he believes in serving in whatever capacity he is able in order to meet these needs. It is an incredible privilege to be trusted by the people he serves. Ejay is grateful for how he is able to journey with people in the margins. Ejay, and his wife Cheryl, serve to be a bridge to their neighbours both rich and poor, building community amongst them and practicing radical hospitality. They do this so they may have a glimpse into the kingdom of God.


Prayer Requests:

  • Organizing & effectiveness of ‘Our City Conference Toronto’ (May 27-28). It is an Urban Ministry conference as a rally cry to inspire, encourage, empower and reignite vision for ministry in the city.
  • Pray for housing decision makers to listen to people on the frontlines regarding feasible solutions.


Ministry Location: Eurasia and Canada

Ministry Focus: God led Jay and J with their two children to the Turkic world in 2014. They currently serve as associate pastors of an International Church and their passions are prayer, evangelism, discipleship, helping the vulnerable and bringing unity to the body of Christ. The country they serve in is one of the most unreached people groups in the world with less than 0.03% of the population claiming to be Christian and approximately 98% Muslim. Currently there are approximately 4 million refugees in the country due to war and persecution who desperately need help.

Ministry History: Jay's history is in business and governance and J had her own business and worked with the vulnerable downtown Hamilton, Ontario. God led them away from their home and comforts to go to the Turkic world to serve in one of the least reached countries in the world. They have served on the leadership teams in two different international churches and also help the local churches where they can. Jay is the Chairperson for a Christian Network in the country to promote unity, sharing and collaboration. They also partner with ERDO and a local refugee ministry on a project basis.

Prayer Requests:

- Pray for opportunities to reach out to the lost and unreached.

- Pray that God will protect Jay & J and blind the eyes of those that shouldn't see them and open the eyes of those that are ready to receive the gospel.

- Pray for Jay & J. as they navigate two of their teenagers moving back to Canada.

- Pray that God would give wisdom and favour to Jay as he provides leadership to the Network.