What is SOZO?

It’s a Greek word that appears 110 times in the New Testament and means to be “saved, healed, and delivered” all at once.

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will SAVE (Sozo) His people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21 (NIV)

In Luke, Jesus quotes Isaiah 61 saying that He came to do, ‘…heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, to open prisons to those who are bound…to comfort all who mourn…to give beauty for ashes.’

Lots of things touch us throughout our lives and they play a huge part in developing how we think, act, and respond to the situations and choices we make in our lives. Those things also affect what we think about ourselves and about God. The purpose of SOZO is to bring help and healing to those wounded areas of our lives; to dispel the lies that have crept in with the truth of who God is and what He says about us.

Ministry Sessions

Next Session: TBD (Fall 2024)

NLA offers group ministry sessions several times a year on a Saturday. Sessions allow individuals to connect with God, (not necessarily each other). Sharing is between you and God, there is NO required personal sharing within the group setting.

The session is a combination of teaching, presenting truth, verbal declarations and prayer that, when combined with your private confessions and agreement, bring healing from God. You can expect God to bring freedom to the areas you open up to Him.

Individual sessions are available as required, once you have attended a group ministry time.

There is preparation work to start at least 2 weeks prior to your ‘sozo’ session.

Watch for the next available session!

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